I've learned to adapt to my disability as my condition has improved ever so slowly. I love my weekly water therapy sessions where I get to visit with my people and dog friends. I love the peanut butter they use to entice me to walk faster on the water treadmill. My therapist tells me that my legs are getting strong and that just maybe those leg nerves will someday help me stand.
Over the past 6 months, my foster bassets have accepted me as one of the gang. My 2 brothers (Frank & Banjo) and 2 sisters(Claire & Tilly) treat me just like a family member. I really like to wrestle with my brothers Frank and Banjo. My foster mom and dad have learned what it takes to help me. I take a lot of special care, but like all bassets, I have a routine that fits me. I like walks with assistance, I like wagon rides, I like to take naps in the sun and on the couch, l LOVE to eat and I’m learning to use my wheelchair.
Over the past 6 months, I have been looking for my forever home. I knew it would take a very unique place to provide my special care. But, then it occurred to me that I just might already be living in that very place. So, I got to thinking and then hoping that my foster family would become my forever home. And guess what? My foster parents and bassets asked me to stay. I had become part of their family and they told me there was no need to be looking for another home. So…my name can now be officially removed from the ‘looking for my forever home’ list. I have my home and family! Isn't life just grand sometimes!
Mark & Leslie Holden with Silas
My group picture...that is me at the bottom, Claire on the left, Frank at the top, Banjo below Frank and Tilly on the right. And do you know what? I've found out that all of my fellow bassets, except Frank, have a special condition that makes them a little unique too!
Thanks to everyone that has supported me since GABR saved my life.
Silas the Intrepid...now Silas Holden. A member of Mark & Leslie's family of bassets.
Thank you!
Silas H.